Thursday, April 15, 2010

why animals attack!

Next time on Why Animals Attack....
Have you ever wondered why some breeds are well known for their short tempers and others have a sparkling reputation? "Beware of pitbulls, their mean!" "Labs are so good with kids!" and many more that we could discuss all night, but let's face it. The majority of the reputations come from people who train these breeds for something they were not intended for. Example...Michael Vick and his dog ring of fighting. Those dogs were trained to be mean and because they have a "mean look" to them and historically we hear of these dogs attacking people who did not provoke them (that we are aware of) they automatically get a bad rap! Same goes for rottweilers...mean look must equal bad attitude, right? Wrong! I am going to use my dogs as another example. They are miniature dachshunds, as you are aware, and they might seem small and cute and cuddly, and don't get me wrong because mine are, but do you know what they were bread originally to do? They were originally hunting dogs for badgers, folks! My cute little adorable dogs were bread to hunt badgers! The mean, snarly, jagged toothed, jack you up badger! Now some breeds genetically have a predisposition of bad temperment, but as a whole, I believe that all breeds are is the owner that makes them to be something else.

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