Thursday, February 25, 2010

treats, treats, treats

Like ourselves, our pets enjoy the tasty treats in life...things like milk bones, table scraps and shoes. But are the things we give our "babies" the best thing for them? I know that my two LOVE cheese. I swear it is like crack for dogs! They even know the sound of the bag when you get it out of the fridge. Sad, I know, but we must realize that cheese may not be the greatest for them. Think about it...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How many toys are too many?

Those of us that are animal lovers know that the more toys they have, the more they are loved, but when is enough enough? Is it when they have a toy bin overflowing of stuffed animals, ropes and other miscellaneous items that they rarely touch because they have their favorite? Or is it when you own the entire toy isle from PetSmart? Though we are not as up on the latest and greatest new toys from the pet store for my spoiled two, they, at one time, had every toy that PetSmart offered. They receive toys for their birthdays, holidays, and when they have been extra good puppies. I know I'm not the only one that spoils there pooch to point of ridiculousness!